Richland County Proves to be a “Rich Land” in the Soil Your Undies Experiment

This year’s county fair brought an unexpected highlight – dirty underwear from across Richland County! As part of the Soil Your Undies challenge, our team buried a pair of 100% cotton underwear underground for 60 days in each of the 18 townships to showcase soil health. Rich soil teeming with microbes…

A map of all the buried underwear locations.
Credit: Richland SWCD

Dirty Undies!

This year’s county fair brought an unexpected highlight – dirty underwear from across Richland County! As part of the Soil Your Undies challenge, our team buried a pair of 100% cotton underwear underground for 60 days in each of the 18 townships to showcase soil health.

Rich soil teeming with microbes and worms will break down the fabric quickly, while less active soils will show little change. The healthier the soil, the faster the cotton underwear decomposes providing a fun and visual way to assess the vitality of local soils.

Our Underwear on Display…

One common joke among visitors after seeing the display was that Richland County should be called “Rich Land County” due to the thriving soils in some townships. Many visitors had questions about replicating the experiment in their backyard and we were able to give them our extra pairs of undies

Our display quickly became a hit at the fair, sparking curiosity among visitors of all ages. Fairgoers were amazed to see the varying levels of underwear decomposition and how it correlated with the land’s use.

Marilyn Roe, Richland SWCD Volunteer, at our 2024 Richland County Fair booth

After the two-month burial period, we retrieved the undies and put them on display at the county fair. The results ranged from pairs that were barely recognizable to those with minimal decay. This visual showcase highlighted the differences in soil health across the county.

A Lesson in Soil Health

This experiment was more than just entertaining – it reminded us of the importance of maintaining healthy soil. Local farmers especially took note of how soil health can affect crop yield, water retention, and sustainability. Sites where the underwear remained mostly intact now have a clear opportunity to investigate practices that could improve their soil health like adding compost or using cover crops.

Overall, the Soil Your Undies experiment was a great success. The positive reception at the fair showed just how eager our community is to learn about environmental stewardship. Richland County is ready to prove that it’s not just rich in history, but rich in land too.

We want to extend a big thank you to the landowners who allowed us to bury underwear on their properties! This project wouldn’t have been possible without their generosity, curiosity, and support.

Another Year in the Books – Richland SWCD’s Annual Celebration, 2024

On September 26th the Richland Soil & Water Conservation District held its Annual Celebration at the Hawkins Center in Ontario (at the Area Agency on Aging). Our Annual Celebration has historically been held in the evenings, but this was the first time it was held as a luncheon. It was a wonderful, event-packed time…

Annual meetings or celebrations are where Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) share accomplishments, provide updates, recognize hard work, and meet the community. Additionally, annual meetings offer a time and space to hold elections for the Board of Supervisors that oversees the Districts. 

On September 26th the Richland Soil & Water Conservation District held its Annual Celebration at the Hawkins Center in Ontario (at the Area Agency on Aging). Our Annual Celebration has historically been held in the evenings, but this was the first time it was held as a luncheon. It was a wonderful, event-packed time. 

Staff Accomplishments

Our staff started the afternoon by updating attendees on our various programs and all the hard work they did this past year. Programs covered included: the volunteer program; the Stormwater Permit program; the MS4/NPDES permit; agriculture pollution abatement; H2Ohio; Farmland Preservation, and more.

Cooperator of the Year

We also recognize a Cooperator of the Year every year: an individual, group of individuals, or entity who exhibits exceptional conservation in the County. Neil and Pam McKown of Watershed Ranch were recognized as the 2024 Richland SWCD Cooperator of the Year. Since the McKowns bought their farm they have transformed it into a paradise by implementing many conservation practices.

Volunteer of the Year

In addition to a Cooperator of the Year, we recognize a Volunteer of the Year. Bob Donaldson of Mansfield received the award this year. Bob is one of our rain gauge monitors, but he also made a big difference this past year by sharing his Microsoft Excel expertise with us. By doing so he helped us improve and update many of our organizational spreadsheets. Our workflows and data-capturing are now more efficient and organized thanks to Bob!  As a “thank you” for his contribution, a Black Gum tree was planted in his honor in Centennial Park, Lexington.

Supervisor Election and a Thank You to Lanny Hopkins

This year’s supervisor election featured two open seats.  Existing Board member, Lanny Hopkins, decided not to run for reelection while existing member, Jean McClintock, ran for reelection.  Pam McKown ran for the other vacant seat.  After tallying the votes, Jean was reelected and Pam McKown was elected to her first term. Terms run for 3 years and begin in January.

Lanny Hopkins has served on the board since 2018, serving two terms, and has decided to step down. Lanny was most passionate about Black Fork clean-up/log jam removal and continues to work on the initiative. He was presented with a service award as a small token of our appreciation.

If you attended our Annual Celebration, thank you so much! If not, maybe we will see you there next year!

We Held a Grazing School!

The Pastures for Profit Grazing School classroom sessions were held on the evenings of July 23rd and 25th with a pasture walk day on July 27th. Pastures for Profit is an educational course providing science-based pasture management…

The Pastures for Profit Grazing School classroom sessions were held on the evenings of July 23rd and 25th with a pasture walk day on July 27th.

Pastures for Profit is an educational course providing science-based pasture management information to Ohio farmers. Throughout the course, participants learn how to provide and maintain healthy and sustainable forage systems for the animals in their care. Participants of our grazing school learned about goal setting, soils, soil fertility, plant physiology, animal needs, paddock design, fencing options, extending the grazing season, and the economics of grazing operations.

Thank you again to Randy & Eileen Eisenhauer for allowing us to use their pastures to educate the participants! The pasture walk day was a hot one, but that didn’t stop farmers from asking great questions and prompting great discussions! Thank you to all our participants and presenters for making this a great event! We all profited from the conversations and knowledge shared.

Pastures for Profit was a combined effort of the following entities: The Ohio State University, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, USDA-NRCS, and the Ohio Forage & Grasslands Council.

Educating the Educators: Realtors and Permitting

On August 8, we presented information on Richland County’s stormwater permitting process during a Lunch & Learn hosted by the Mansfield Association of Realtors. The purpose of the Lunch & Learn…

Pleasant Hill Dam & Reservoir. Credit: Richland SWCD

On August 8, we presented information on Richland County’s stormwater permitting process during a Lunch & Learn hosted by the Mansfield Association of Realtors. The purpose of the Lunch & Learn was to educate local realtors on the intricacies of permitting in the county so that they may better assist their clients.

Also presenting was US Army Corps of Engineers Realty Specialist Eric Dowing who provided participants information on the Army Corps’ flowage easements. According to the Army Corp, flowage easements are non-federal lands where the U.S. Government has acquired rights to back up water if necessary (to a certain elevation).

Flowage easements exist in Richland County and stretch for miles upstream from the Charles Mill and Pleasant Hill Dams. Knowledge of flowage easements is critical because land use within the easement is heavily restricted. Thank you to the Mansfield Association of Realtors for hosting the event and allowing us to speak with their members about permitting in Richland County!

From the News Desk

Don’t miss these special announcements and reminders for Autumn, 2024!

Grant to Help Cultivate Young Minds in Richland County

The Richland County Foundation Gift of Grain Fund Committee has awarded a grant to support Richland SWCD. The grant will fund a collaborative project called Cultivating Minds that brings together Richland SWCD, Richland County Farm Bureau, and the Mansfield Richland County Public Library. It will provide three agricultural and environmental literacy kits to every elementary school in Richland County and at the Mansfield-Richland County Public Library’s main branch.

The goal is to teach elementary youth about agriculture, food, and natural resources. The agricultural kits include a children’s book, a teacher’s guide, and all items needed for a classroom activity. A total of 75 kits will be distributed throughout the county. Many thanks to the Richland County Foundation for making this possible!

It’s Easy to Support Us With Richland Gives

Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (Richland SWCD) has served Richland County landowners since 1948—that’s 76 years! However, we have not made it this far without help.

Richland Gives is a local online giving campaign held once a year. It encourages people to contribute to local non-profits. The Richland County Foundation hosts this campaign to grow philanthropy and strengthen the community.

Thanks to generous, past donors, Richland SWCD has benefited from Richland Gives. We have turned some donations into grants for soil testing, rain barrels, and native seeds and plants. Donors like you can help us continue to provide a wide range of services – both technical and educational – to the residents of Richland County and conserve our natural resources.

For more information, see the infographic or click the link below to the Richland Foundation. To give to Richland SWCD through the Richland Gives website, click on the GIVE link.

Blue is the New Yellow – Stormwater Program Notes

Why are we so blue?, Stormwater Permit numbers, and MS4 happenings.

A good-looking bunch. Credit: Richland SWCD

Why Are We So Blue?

We recently traded our old, yellow, high-visibility vests for new blue ones with our logo! These vests will help keep us safe and stand out when we do stormwater inspections or other fieldwork.

Our Stormwater Technicians regularly inspect permitted projects, visiting projects in all 18 townships about once every other month. They also inspect storm sewer outfalls.

If you see the blue vest, know that Richland Soil & Water is hard at work!

Busy With Stormwater Permitting

This quarter, our office issued 87 residential permits (this includes all residential & agricultural permits, fee exemptions, and permit exemptions), up from 66 last quarter.

We also issued 6 commercial permits. We’re as busy as ever.

Richland Soil & Water Conservation District (Richland SWCD) manages Richland County’s Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Regulations. For more info, click on the link below.

A dry weather screening in progress. Credit: Richland SWCD

Successful Screenings – MS4/NPDES Update

This quarter we focused on conducting dry weather screening of stormwater outfalls in Madison Township as part of our ongoing MS4 efforts. We successfully screened 4 outfalls for signs of illicit discharge or pollution.

These screenings are an essential part of our work to ensure stormwater runoff remains clean and free from harmful pollutants. We only have 6 more dry weather screenings to complete this permit term!

The MS4/NPDES permit is a crucial regulatory measure designed to manage and reduce pollution from stormwater runoff in urbanized areas. For more information, click on the links below.

Conservation in Action! – Agriculture Program Notes

H2Ohio’s Impact, Why Grassed Waterways?, and Field Work

H2Ohio Wraps Up for 2023 Program Year

In H2Ohio, verifications for one year of the program don’t wrap up until halfway through the next. That is why we are sharing 2023’s impact instead of 2024’s.

The Ohio Department of Agriculture designated over $2.7 million for Richland County farmers in H2Ohio. 2023 appropriated cost share alone totaled nearly $700,000.

Our participating farmers worked hard in 2023 as you can see from the impact infographics below.

Overall, H2Ohio farmers received north of $320,000 in cost share last year. The total cost share paid to date totals over $700,000.

As we look ahead to the coming years we are excited to announce that 11 new producers were signed up for H2Ohio this year! This brings the total cropland acres enrolled through Richland County to 25,500, the most we have had since the program began!

All numbers are approximate

For more information on H2Ohio, visit these links!

Credit: Greg LaBarge, OSU Extension

Agriculture Best Management Practice Highlight: Grassed Waterways

Ever pass a farm field and wonder why a seemingly random strip of grass runs through the middle of it? Chances are, you are looking at a grassed waterway.  

When a whole field is tilled and planted, there may be areas where two hill slopes come together (called a swale). When it rains, water will naturally flow to these swales and eventually to a stream or creek.

In conventional cropping and tillage systems, these areas can erode into gullies and are difficult or impossible to cross with farm equipment. Furthermore, they will continue to erode as water carries the soil away.

Grassed waterways are engineered, shallow grassed channels designed to handle concentrated water flows. The grass slows water down so it is less likely to carve gullies and the grass’s roots help keep the soil in place.

If you think your field could benefit from a grassed waterway or two, we can help. Give our office a call at 419-747-8686.

Credit: Richland SWCD

Seeing Conservation in Action

Over the spring/summer, Richland SWCD technicians helped our USDA-NRCS partners by performing practice check-outs. In other words, these practices were completed and needed to be verified that they were done correctly. As a result, our technicians saw some conservation practices in action!

Technicians verified 7 acres of Grassed Waterways, 4 acres of Quail Buffer, 5 acres of Hardwood Tree Planting, and 25 acres of Tall Grass Prairie. The practices our technicians verified encompass nearly 40 acres and are helping to reduce soil erosion and promote wildlife habitat and diversity.

The United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) offers and administers a wide variety of voluntary, cost-shared conservation practices for farmers to implement on their land and homestead.

Richland SWCD technicians assist USDA-NRCS with technical assistance and administrative efforts and are available to help producers interested in programs and practices offered in Richland County. Our technicians also assist those who do not wish to be enrolled in government programs but want to implement conservation practices.

Did You Know that You Can Preserve Farmland in Ohio?

Has your farm been in your family for more than a century? Would you like to preserve and honor that history? If so, Ohio’s Historic Family Farm Program might be a good choice…

Ohio’s Historic Family Farm Program

Has your farm been in your family for more than a century? Would you like to preserve and honor that history? If so, Ohio’s Historic Family Farm Program might be a good choice.

There are three designations for historic farms in Ohio: Century Farms (in the family for 100-146 years), Sesquicentennial Farms (in the family for 150-199 years), and Bicentennial Farms (200+ years in the family).

For more information, you can call the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) at 614-752-4505 or email them (see below).

Farmland Preservation Program

Do you want to preserve your farmland as an agricultural asset in your community, in perpetuity? If so, look into the Farmland Preservation Program offered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture and sponsored by your local Soil and Water Conservation District.

This program has two options for preservation:

  1. Clean Ohio Local Agricultural Easement Purchase Program (LEAPP) where you compete in a ranking process to enter the program.
  2. Agricultural Easement Donation Program (AEDP), which includes some tax benefits.

There are similar programs offered by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). You can enroll in them at the same time as ODA’s programs. Contact us or the Farm Service Agency for more information.

Small Space, Big Impact: Urban Composting

Following our 2024 “Pollution Prevention” theme for the MS4 program, composting is one of the easiest ways for the average person to keep food scraps and other organic matter out of the landfill…

Figure 1: Worm bin at the Foley household

The Importance of Composting

Following our 2024 “Pollution Prevention” theme for the MS4 program, composting is one of the easiest ways for the average person to keep food scraps and other organic matter out of the landfill. Nearly 1/3 of all food produced is wasted (~1.3 billion tons each year) and around $165 billion a year is spent managing that waste (data from TED Ed, link below). Composting is a sustainable practice that can coincide with organic gardening.

“Urban Composting” is a practice that can be performed in a city setting with limited space. In this article, I’ll discuss two unique and viable options to get you started: vermicomposting and using compost tumblers.


Vermicomposting uses earthworms to decompose organic matter (see Figure 1). The byproduct of vermicomposting is vermicast, a substance rich in humus, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micronutrients, and beneficial soil microbes. Vermicast can help neutralize soil pH and improve plant health and nutrient uptake. Some folks refer to it as “Black Gold”. Worms can be somewhat sensitive and picky, so avoid putting spicy foods or anything acidic in your vermicompost. You don’t want to upset the balance!

Figure 2: Compost tumbler at South Park Children’s Educational Garden

Compost Tumblers

Traditional composting can be easily performed in a tumbler or similar bin at home. Again, this option does not require a ton of space, and the closed bin keeps any unpleasant smell contained. The composter needs to be turned often—and that is most of the maintenance required. Adding composted organic matter to your soil is a fantastic way to supplement it. Your plants and the planet will thank you.

Don’t Miss Out!

Highlighted upcoming events for October through January!

Highlighted upcoming events for October, November, December, and January

For our full list of upcoming events – including Board Supervisor meetings – go to our calendar by following the link at the bottom of this page!


Fri, Oct. 18 & Sat, Oct. 19 @ 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The Great Pumpkin Glow & Children’s Carnival @ Kingwood Center

Come find our booth on the first two days of this event for some Halloween fun!

Admission is required for Kingwood’s event.


Mon. Nov. 18 @ 7:00 am to Tue. Dec. 3 @ 6:59 am

Richland Gives: Early Giving

Richland Gives is a local online giving campaign held once a year. It encourages people to contribute to local non-profits. Thanks to previous generous donors, Richland SWCD has benefited from this campaign.

Want to donate to Richland SWCD or learn how to maximize your donation? See the links below!

Wed. Nov. 13 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Cancelled: Stupendous Soils Open House

Join us for some soil-themed fun for the whole family! Learn about soil health, watch out for hanging undies, and eat dirt (pudding)!

The event is FREE and will be held at the Longview Center – 1495 W. Longview Ave, Mansfield. Contact us for more information.

Tue. Dec. 3 @ 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Richland Gives: Day of Giving

Richland Gives is a local online giving campaign held once a year. It encourages people to contribute to local non-profits. Thanks to previous generous donors, Richland SWCD has benefited from this campaign.

Want to donate to Richland SWCD or learn how to maximize your donation? See the links below!

Our Full Calendar of Events