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We Held a Grazing School!

The Pastures for Profit Grazing School classroom sessions were held on the evenings of July 23rd and 25th with a pasture walk day on July 27th.

Pastures for Profit is an educational course providing science-based pasture management information to Ohio farmers. Throughout the course, participants learn how to provide and maintain healthy and sustainable forage systems for the animals in their care. Participants of our grazing school learned about goal setting, soils, soil fertility, plant physiology, animal needs, paddock design, fencing options, extending the grazing season, and the economics of grazing operations.

Thank you again to Randy & Eileen Eisenhauer for allowing us to use their pastures to educate the participants! The pasture walk day was a hot one, but that didn’t stop farmers from asking great questions and prompting great discussions! Thank you to all our participants and presenters for making this a great event! We all profited from the conversations and knowledge shared.

Pastures for Profit was a combined effort of the following entities: The Ohio State University, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, USDA-NRCS, and the Ohio Forage & Grasslands Council.