Family Fun on the Farm Festival
Join us, Malabar Farm State Park and a host of partners for this family-friendly, outdoor festival. This free annual festival is open to the public and has many hands-on kids...
Join us, Malabar Farm State Park and a host of partners for this family-friendly, outdoor festival. This free annual festival is open to the public and has many hands-on kids...
Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (Richland SWCD) is partnering with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) on the cost share program for producers who plant cover crops.In 2023, the...
Make a lovely clay dish from an impression of a leaf. This workshop's guest speaker is Kim Hildreth who wears many hats. She has led the Earth Stewardship Celebration steering committee and assisted the Mansfield Shade Tree Commission for 28 years and is employed by the Mansfield Engineering Department where she is responsible for the...
Attend the Animal Mortality Composting Certification if you compost animals. Before you compost dead livestock, you must obtain an Animal Mortality Composting Certification. The certification is a legal requirement per the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rule 901: 13: 1 – 13. The complete Rule is found at Glen Arnold, Hancock County OSU Extension. Mr....
Board Supervisor meetings are open to the public and held in the Richland SWCD Conference Room 258. Please contact Matt Christian, Director, before the meeting if you wish to attend.
Join Richland Soil and Water Conservation District and our partners for this special workshop for anyone interested in pasture and grazing management. Those new to livestock and forage management are encouraged to join.This is a 3-day series.The Grazing School is July 23 and July 25 at The Longview Center from 6 to 9 p.m.The Pasture...
Join us behind the Nature Park stage to learn about soil health and how you can take the soil your undies challenge! Look for the undies blowing in the wind at our booth to find out. We'll also be on the Nature Park stage Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. to show you how you can participate...
Board Supervisor meetings are open to the public and held in the Richland SWCD Conference Room 258. Please contact Matt Christian, Director, before the meeting if you wish to attend.
Richland Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors are publicly elected by a special general election. The Board of Supervisors create an annual and long-term plan of operation that protects the District’s mission and vision and are interested, conservation-minded, local leaders who promote conservation of the county’s natural resources through education, planning and technical...
Office closed in observance of Labor Day.
Please join us as we plant a black gum tree in honor of Robert Donaldson, our Volunteer of the Year, at Patriot Park in Lexington. Robert begin volunteering with Richland Soil and Water Conservation District in 2023. It is unusual for such a new volunteer to be named Volunteer of the Year, but Robert has...
The September 18 Board Supervisor meeting is cancelled. The next Board Supervisor meeting is October 16 at 9:00 a.m. Board Supervisor meetings are open to the public and held in the Richland SWCD Conference Room 258. Please contact Matt Christian, Director, before the meeting if you wish to attend.