A 48 hour notice is required PRIOR to any earth disturbing activity and also upon project completion.
PLEASE CALL 419-747-8686
General Site Responsibilities
As a property owner, you are responsible for all earthmoving activities on your property. The application for a Storm Water Permit Application is conditional. This means that based on the information submitted, you are required to follow the items indicated on the drawing, such as silt fence, diversions, temporary seeding, straw bales, etc. We have in the office pamphlets and publications to assist you on installing these practices if needed. A site investigation will be done prior to and during construction. Any additional site changes will be made to you in writing. This permit application gives permission for a representative of the county to make routine on-site inspections and evaluations at any given time. Always, before putting a shovel in the ground, call the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS) for location of utilities toll free 1-800-362-2764.
(Even mailboxes and sign posts can sever telephone, electric and television cable or gas line.)
The following are items that must be addressed on any new site:
- The drive entrance is the first priority and shall be constructed prior to any earth disturbing work to prevent silt, dirt or debris from entering the roadway. It shall have sufficient stone or gravel to allow for delivery of building materials and contractors use and maintained through the life of the project. The discharge of water onto a public road must be limited
- A sign or mailbox bearing the house number shall be erected as soon as this permit is granted. This aids us and other agencies in locating the site as well as emergency services if the need should arise.
- Inspections will be made on a regular basis during construction and will formally begin once the owner calls us 48 hours prior to construction. Access shall be available during normal working hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday – Friday for inspections and reviews until the permit has been finalized. If any corrections are required, the owner will make the corrections directly or order their excavator or an appointed person that has been approved to do so in a timely manner.
- Once the earth moving and final grade has been established, you are required within 7 days to complete seeding and mulching of those areas. This is a critical time due to the loose soil conditions and the vulnerability to erosion.
- The permit application will become the actual permit once all signatures have been made.
- The permit requires strict adherence to regarding sub-surface drainage as permitted by law per Ohio Revised Code 307.85 located within the Richland County Stormwater and Sediment Control Regulations. In the event any sub surface tile are unearthed, damaged or located in such a fashion that it would interfere with construction, excavation is to cease and our office notified. It will be the responsibility of the owner to present a plan in writing to make such alterations and repairs as to not impede the flow of water or to re-direct it. It must have the approval of the Richland County Drainage Engineer before any changes take place.
- Any silt fence required on the site is required to be trenched in 6” and staked firmly in the ground.
Construction Implementation Schedule
All items listed below are required to be inspected and maintained throughout the construction process.
- Install Silt Fence. It Shall be Cleaned of Accumulated Sediment When Approximately Fifty Percent Filled.
- Install Storm Sewer Inlet Protection.
- Construct Construction Entrance. Top Dressing May Be Required As Conditions Demand.
- Construct Diversion, Sediment traps/Basins.
- Begin Site Clearing and Grubbing Operations.
- Begin Overall Site Grading and Topsoil Stripping.
- Establish Topsoil Stockpile, Install Silt Fence And Cover Or Vegetate Stockpile.
- Disturbed Areas Where Construction Will Cease For More Than 7 Days Shall Be Temporarily Stabilized.
- Construct Staging and materials Storage Area.
- Install Utilities.
- Construct Temporary Concrete Washout.
- Begin Building Foundation and Structure Construction.
- Install gutter, Curbs And Pavement.
- Provide Permanent Stabilization For All Remaining Disturbed Areas.
- Remove or Convert Temporary BMP’s and Stabilize All Areas Disturbed By Their Removal.
- Monitor Stabilized Areas Until Final Stabilization Is Reached.