Stormwater Permitting | MS4/NPDES

Stormwater Permitting
Richland Soil & Water Conservation District (Richland SWCD) is the manager of Richland County’s Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Regulations. Any building projects that entail earth disturbance and/or new impervious surface are permitted through our office (applies to all unincorporated areas in Richland County, and the Village of Lexington, only).

For more info on our Stormwater Permit process and how to complete the process fully online using GeoPermits, click or tap the links!

MS4/NPDES Program Update
The MS4/NPDES permit is a crucial regulatory measure designed to manage and reduce pollution from stormwater runoff in urbanized areas. The permit, part of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program, specifically targets Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in communities with populations of 100,000 or more. By mandating the implementation of effective stormwater management practices, the MS4/NPDES permit plays a vital role in minimizing pollutants entering local water bodies.
Sam and Zoe have been focusing on illicit discharge detection and elimination. This quarter, they dry weather screened five outfalls in Madison Township. Through these comprehensive efforts, Richland SWCD strives to ensure effective stormwater management, helping to prevent pollution and protect local water bodies.
Fore more information on MS4 in Richland County, click the link below.