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Road Salt: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

It’s 2024 which means we have a new MS4 theme!

But first, what is MS4? In addition to requirements Richland County landowners follow for earthmoving activities through the Richland County Stormwater and Erosion Control Program, communities with 1,000 or more people per square mile must follow the Stormwater Non Point Discharge System (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) (NPDES) General Permit for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) to further effectively manage water pollution. The Richland County Commissioners are mandated by Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) to create and manage this added accountability for stormwater runoff. The NPDES (MS4) communities in Richland County are: City of Mansfield, City of Ontario, Village of Lexington, Madison Township, Mifflin Township, Springfield Township and Washington Township.

This year’s theme will focus on “Pollution Prevention.” The EPA defines pollution prevention as “any practice that reduces, eliminates, or prevents pollution at its source before it is created.” It is important to prioritize doing this because pollution has many negative effects on human health and the environment.

The good news is, preventing pollution is something everyone can do. Throughout 2024 we will share different pollution prevention techniques to apply in your daily lives.

We all know that road salt is good, right? Road salt helps melt the snow and ice on the roads we drive on, so they are not as slippery during winter storms, but… is there a negative side to road salt? Unfortunately, there is, and the effects can be substantial.

Road salt can cause damage to your vehicles, health, and ecosystems. Have you ever noticed how vehicles primarily driven in states that use road salt rust out a lot quicker than vehicles in states that do not use road salt? Road salt contributes to cars rusting. Americans spread more than 20 million tons of salt on our roadways each winter.

So, the question is, how does all this salt affect us and the environment? First, it causes our roadways and bridges to break down. Then the salt goes into our waterways. If water pipes are in poor shape, lead may flake off and enter our drinking water potentially causing health problems.

Good water quality is important for everyone. We are especially mindful of it at Richland SWCD because it’s one of our areas of expertise. Did you know in Richland County, three watersheds above the Continental Divide flow to Lake Erie and five watersheds below the Continental Divide flow to the Ohio River and ultimately, the Gulf of Mexico? We don’t want to be a bad neighbor and pass along contaminated water to our neighbors. Find out more about watersheds and the Continental Divide in Richland County on our website.

An example of poor water quality was the added nutrients in water that contributed to the harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie and the oxygen dead zone in the Gulf.

We need to start utilizing more feasible alternatives that keep the roads safe while not damaging our health and environment. Placing sand on top of ice and snow provides traction for shoes and tires, but also absorbs sunlight to melt ice faster. Another alternative to salt as a de-icer is to use beet juice. Beet juice allows for ice to melt at lower temperatures, and it is gentle on roads, plants, grass, cars, and concrete.

If salt must be used on roads, sidewalks, and parking lots, please apply it sparingly, so that you can help with Pollution Prevention.