While driving around Richland County, have you noticed new green and white signs with Continental Divide and our logo at the top? The signs are part of an initiative to create more awareness of the Continental Divide and watersheds in Richland County. The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) gave us a grant to have road signs printed showing when you are entering and leaving the Lake Erie and Ohio River Watersheds. Richland County Engineer Adam Gove and his staff placed the signs at designated spots along the Divide line.
To further increase awareness, enter the Continental Divide Contest. All you need to do is take a selfie with your smartphone at a sign, post it to social media with the sign location and #RCD.
Because we are expected to be in the path of the total solar eclipse slated for April 8, contest participants following the guidelines will receive a free pair of solar eclipse glasses. One entry per person due to the limited supplies of glasses. Glasses are available while supplies last and may be picked up at the office.
To help with the contest and learn more about the Continental Divide in Richland County, visit our Drive the Continental Divide web page.
The signs are one example of how we partner with other organizations for the betterment of the county. Thank you to MWCD and the Richland County Engineering Department to help bring the signs into fruition.