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Blue is the New Yellow – Stormwater Program Notes

A good-looking bunch. Credit: Richland SWCD

Why Are We So Blue?

We recently traded our old, yellow, high-visibility vests for new blue ones with our logo! These vests will help keep us safe and stand out when we do stormwater inspections or other fieldwork.

Our Stormwater Technicians regularly inspect permitted projects, visiting projects in all 18 townships about once every other month. They also inspect storm sewer outfalls.

If you see the blue vest, know that Richland Soil & Water is hard at work!

Busy With Stormwater Permitting

This quarter, our office issued 87 residential permits (this includes all residential & agricultural permits, fee exemptions, and permit exemptions), up from 66 last quarter.

We also issued 6 commercial permits. We’re as busy as ever.

Richland Soil & Water Conservation District (Richland SWCD) manages Richland County’s Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Regulations. For more info, click on the link below.

A dry weather screening in progress. Credit: Richland SWCD

Successful Screenings – MS4/NPDES Update

This quarter we focused on conducting dry weather screening of stormwater outfalls in Madison Township as part of our ongoing MS4 efforts. We successfully screened 4 outfalls for signs of illicit discharge or pollution.

These screenings are an essential part of our work to ensure stormwater runoff remains clean and free from harmful pollutants. We only have 6 more dry weather screenings to complete this permit term!

The MS4/NPDES permit is a crucial regulatory measure designed to manage and reduce pollution from stormwater runoff in urbanized areas. For more information, click on the links below.