Annual meetings or celebrations are where Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) share accomplishments, provide updates, recognize hard work, and meet the community. Additionally, annual meetings offer a time and space to hold elections for the Board of Supervisors that oversees the Districts.
On September 26th the Richland Soil & Water Conservation District held its Annual Celebration at the Hawkins Center in Ontario (at the Area Agency on Aging). Our Annual Celebration has historically been held in the evenings, but this was the first time it was held as a luncheon. It was a wonderful, event-packed time.

Staff Accomplishments
Our staff started the afternoon by updating attendees on our various programs and all the hard work they did this past year. Programs covered included: the volunteer program; the Stormwater Permit program; the MS4/NPDES permit; agriculture pollution abatement; H2Ohio; Farmland Preservation, and more.

Cooperator of the Year
We also recognize a Cooperator of the Year every year: an individual, group of individuals, or entity who exhibits exceptional conservation in the County. Neil and Pam McKown of Watershed Ranch were recognized as the 2024 Richland SWCD Cooperator of the Year. Since the McKowns bought their farm they have transformed it into a paradise by implementing many conservation practices.

Volunteer of the Year
In addition to a Cooperator of the Year, we recognize a Volunteer of the Year. Bob Donaldson of Mansfield received the award this year. Bob is one of our rain gauge monitors, but he also made a big difference this past year by sharing his Microsoft Excel expertise with us. By doing so he helped us improve and update many of our organizational spreadsheets. Our workflows and data-capturing are now more efficient and organized thanks to Bob! As a “thank you” for his contribution, a Black Gum tree was planted in his honor in Centennial Park, Lexington.

Supervisor Election and a Thank You to Lanny Hopkins
This year’s supervisor election featured two open seats. Existing Board member, Lanny Hopkins, decided not to run for reelection while existing member, Jean McClintock, ran for reelection. Pam McKown ran for the other vacant seat. After tallying the votes, Jean was reelected and Pam McKown was elected to her first term. Terms run for 3 years and begin in January.
Lanny Hopkins has served on the board since 2018, serving two terms, and has decided to step down. Lanny was most passionate about Black Fork clean-up/log jam removal and continues to work on the initiative. He was presented with a service award as a small token of our appreciation.
If you attended our Annual Celebration, thank you so much! If not, maybe we will see you there next year!