Annual Celebration and Board Supervisor Election

Longview Center 1495 W. Longview Avenue, Mansfield, OH, United States

Register to attend by October 28. $20 per person. Join Richland Soil and Water Conservation District as we celebrate conservation in Richland County. Vote for two open Board Supervisor Positions Cooperator of the Year and Volunteer of the Year award recipients will be announced Richland Soil and Water Conservation District achievements and updates will be...


Free H2Ohio Pancake Breakfast and Conversation

Jefferson Township Hall 115 Main Street, Bellville, OH, United States

Free H2Ohio Pancake Breakfast and Conversation, 7:30 a.m., Jefferson Township Hall, 115 Main Street, Bellville. RSVP by January 10 recommended, but not required to Evan at 419-774-7890 or


Pond Clinic

Longview Center 1495 W. Longview Avenue, Mansfield, OH, United States

Join Richland SWCD, Fender’s Fish Hatchery, and Ashland and Morrow Soil and Water Conservation Districts for a Pond Clinic for new and established pond owners. The evening’s speaker will be...