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Continental Divide Selfie Contest

The Longview Center 1495 W Longview Avenue, Mansfield

While driving around Richland County, have you noticed new green and white signs that state "Continental Divide" and has our logo at the top? The signs are part of an initiative to create more awareness of the Continental Divide and watersheds in Richland County. In the spirit of continuing to foster partnerships, the Muskingum Watershed...


Invasive Species on Land and Water to Know and How to Control

The Longview Center 1495 W Longview Avenue, Mansfield

Beat the cold of winter with thoughts of spring warmth and learning about invasive plants! Join Richland Soil and Water Conservation District and our guest speakers for this workshop on invasive species that are found in bodies of water and on land. Snacks will be provided.Learn about aquatic invasive plants in backyard ponds and natural...
