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05-27-1969 #1-website

05-27-1969 #1-website


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03-15-1969 4-H Forestry Day at Rural Life Center. Clubs incl Springfield Sparks, Beech Grove Boys, B.S. Troop 102-website
10-21-1967 Left-Right. Mark Callahan, James Monastara (saw). T121. AH#1-website
00-00-0000 Four boys working at a drainage ditch-website
10-08-1974 Land Judging Contest Scott Eilenfeld, Ken Bisel, Kathy Klen, Gerald Wolgemuth (First National Bank)-Website
10-04-1967 Fred Cook,Shelby,3rd,Tom McFarland,Lucas,2nd, Rex Snyder,Lucas,3rd,Larry Kocheiser,Shiloh,1st Nat Bank. L.J. near Shiloh-Website
09-06-1975 Gosh….-website